Aleks Middleton


Who is Aleks? 

Aleks is a founder of Joy & Yoga - Yoga in Abingdon. Mother of two beautiful girls. Married to a handsome electrician guy.

Aleks is a sale professional in a day-to-day job. She loves working with clients to create a safer World.

Teacher Qualifications

Yoga Teacher Training 
Hot Power Yoga Training
Slow Flow
Yin Yoga and Restorative
Somatics Movements
Facial Acupuncture TRE Provider - Trauma Release Method

Why Yoga? 

Life is a beautiful journey, and as long as we walk with a smile and ease in our body and mind, we can experience tremendous joy on this path.  Yoga has always supported Aleks in this journey and given her the strength she was unaware of, and it is a pleasure to share her love to Yoga with you. 

Favourite Yoga Pose?

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana. It brings fabulous balance between the upper and lower part of the body. Balances heart and mind. Brings calmness and strength.

What to expect from Aleks? 

She has a beautiful Polish accent as she is originally from Poland.

Music is a huge passion for Aleks, so please expect great music during your class.

She will invite you to the Yoga journey with a smile as she believes in You. She will help you build a strong body capable of always returning to its healthy, balanced state.

During her yoga classes, Aleks will present different techniques for bringing the mind into stillness so the heart can speak.

She trusts you from the first step you take on the yoga mat, so do not hesitate any longer. Yoga is for everyone, including you :) 

Your deep, enriching breath is the biggest Joy for her. 

Hazel Gearing


Who is Hazel? 

Hazel teaches Vinyasa Yoga focusing on bringing awareness into the body and reconnecting to the breath as a way of life. Discovering the innate bond between our body, breath and soul reveals the path to self-acceptance and peace.  Expect a flow of gentle movement and reconnection to your breath.

Teacher Qualification

250 hour vinyasa teacher training, Spiralling Crow TT Oxford
25 hour Hot Power Flow TT 
Currently completing Somatic Yoga TT

Hazel has a day job but has many opportunities to find joy in her own time too. She loves to be a yoga student as well as teacher.

Movement of the body and connection to it reward us with grace as we age and strength to enjoy a life of fun and adventure. She is also an artist and spends as much time as possible creating art in many different forms. 

Why Yoga?

Initially she started practicing yoga to increase flexibility and mobility, but she got so much more than this. Hazel found that her body grew stronger and more robust, allowing her to cope better with everyday life.

She enjoyed the challenge of endurance running. Hazel used yoga to stretch the ‘running’ out of her body, but over time, she completely switched to running as warm up for her yoga!

Practising yoga guided her to reconnect with her body. She has no longer just used her body to achieve the run, but really took joy in moving in and with the body.

She also noticed that she could access a calm and steady mind which allowed her to be accepting of both herself and the world around her. 

Favourite Yoga Pose?

A trick question she said :-) She loves the flow of movement - we use the pose to get into our bodies, not our bodies to get into the pose!

Rhianwen Beint


Who is Rhianwen? 

Rhianwen is  a group fitness instructor, yoga teacher, personal trainer, and running coach working in Abingdon and Oxford.

Her big passion fitness wise, for herself, is running, especially trail and ultra running.

She also love to read and to bake bread at the weekends.

What to expect from Rhianwen?

Her yoga teaching hopes to guide you through doing the simple poses well, with curiosity and patience. Over time becoming more familiar with, and learning more about, our bodies.

In particular she will encourage setting a good alignment so that even when poses are challenging it also feels strong and as if there is potential there.

There is an emphasis on the breath, on being able to breathe fully and easily throughout the flow, even the more intense poses or transitions, to stay fully present in the moment and in the body. 

Favourite Yoga Pose?

A twist, lunge or seated twist.

“I like the challenge of trying to find the foundation and stability that sets up the release, and warmth of those shapes.”